frankly speaking
Founded in 2014
Let us tech your story
Based in Malmö, Sweden
with global B2B clients
20 employees and
10 nationalities
Agency of the year 2023
Based on customer satisfaction
frank valiant
Your creative business partner
We combine our storytelling skills and deep understanding of visual communication with our love for state-of-the-art technology.
We add a dash of business acumen and hardcore KPIs. The result is a message with reach, delivered on the most suitable platform. We have clients all over the world. Among them, you will find companies and organizations in all industries.
Our competence and experience cover communication strategy, concept development, branding, world-class in-house media production, and distribution to ensure it reaches the right audience.
Activate your customers through technology and storytelling. Let us tech your story.
the direction
Setting your strategy
If a strategy falls in the woods and nobody hears it, does it even make a sound? To get momentum, your strategy needs to be communicated with purpose, focus and pride to your teams. And then then the offering needs to be equally clear and exciting to your customers. We’ll make sure the sound is heard.
the look
designing your Brand
Whether you want an entirely new brand or want to explore the dark corners of your existing brand, we are here for it. Logotypes, typefaces, palettes, templates and tone of voice to match your company and your message.
the story
developing your concept
Stories are how humans make sense of the world around us. Our creative team helps you develop a strong and easy-to-understand story – for your product, your service or your whole business, where your customer is the hero – and you can be the wizard.
the output
creating your assets
Our studio combines your story, strategy and brand to create captivating and focused content, tailored to resonate with the right people.
the reach
distributing YOUR CONTENT
Don’t deprive the world of your content! We help you make sure the right audience sees your message at the right time to maximize its impact.
impact cases

Synthetic Data
Your own digital AI training universe

Keeping up with the world’s fastest robot

Maersk Drilling
Bringing offshore on-shore